Do You Need Renter’s Insurance?

A Personal Insurance Update

If you are a renter, then you need to read this article. Typically, the owner of the building is responsible for any loss to the building. The building owner, or property owner, is not responsible for your personal belongings. Since the cost of replacing your possessions can add up quickly, make sure you have the right renter’s insurance coverage.

Renter’s insurance is a homeowner’s policy for non-homeowners. It covers the loss of your personal property, such as clothes, furniture, computers etc. It covers losses due to theft, fire, wind, and many other events that might cause damage to your personal property. A renter’s policy can also pick up coverage for your temporary living expenses, while repairs are made, if your rented home is damaged.

You can also design the renter’s policy to provide liability coverage, should you cause injury to a third party. In some cases, property owners require such coverage. Slevin Insurance has access to many different insurers who offer this coverage. The quoting process takes very little time.

A renter’s policy can go a long way toward protecting you financially if you suffer misfortune. Best of all, you do not have to own your home to qualify for protection. Renter’s insurance is very affordable, and can be designed to meet your individual needs.

Let Slevin Insurance Group help you find coverage options that protect you, your family, and your personal property. Let us help make sure you’re properly covered.

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